Volunteers Welcome to Join in NID Trip to India

For months our own DG Sue Klock and President Peter have been sharing their plans to participate in National Immunization Day for Polio eradication this year with us.  Recently the dates have been set for that trip and communicated by Ann Lee Hussey PDG of District 7780 2010-2011 and current Chair of the Polio Survivors & Associates Rotarian Action Group.  The group will depart on February 14 for India and return February 28, 2012.  Volunteers will administer polio drops, visit the World Health Organization office to hear strategic planning, polio corrective surgery hospitals, Rotary clubs and projects, the Piyali Learning Center, the Taj Mahal and more.  A visit to the PACE school which our club has supported for years will also be included.  The approximate cost of the trip is $4,000.  This is a wonderful opportunity to turn our support to eradicate polio into hands-on action.  If interested in participating, contact Sue Klock or Ann Hussey at annlee001@yahoo.com.

For more details on the trip, click on More

All costs are subject to change due to fluctuating airfares and the current volatility of the global market.  The sooner flights are booked, the better.  This estimate includes hotel (double occupancy), all meals, in country transportation and airfare.

To travel on this journey, the following is required: 

    * Current Passport with at least 4 empty pages.

    * India Visa - to be obtained once team members are chosen.

    * Recommended immunizations:

    1. Polio - travel is to a polio endemic region.

    2. Hepatitis A series

    3. Hepatitis B series

    4. Meningitis

    5. Typhoid

    6. Tetanus/Diphtheria

    7. Influenza

    8. Pneumonia depending upon your age, check with doctor.

You should consult with a local international travel health clinic and also obtain a prescription for anti-malaria meds and an antibiotic for travelers diarrhea. 

If you wish to be considered for a spot on this team please contact me promptly at:  annlee001@yahoo.com 

Team travelers must be able to endure long days, dry and dusty conditions, lots of walking and be open to a totally different culture and environment