Image Art Bradbury 
 Last Week  This Week
With Happy Jack Martin beckoning from the parking lot entrance, East Hartford Rotarians were welcomed to the Raymond Library for this most special and unusual gathering. Why special and unusual? Well, let’s see, we met in the Lions Club Community Room (and the ceiling didn’t fall in), and we began to eat our very tasty box lunches of roast beef, turkey or ham & cheese, before singing the Welcome song, saluting the flag, or hearing an invocation on “HOPE” from Anwar Hossain. But everything went well from there, and 43 of us enjoyed a different venue for the weekly gathering, with the aforementioned Jack and his lovely wife, Empress Mary, doing double duty as our town hosts.


Guests today were Fred Issakhani, new member in waiting Tony Matthews, and our speaker Pat Jones. Dapper Dan Larson and Herb Tischofer (nice to see you back looking hale & hearty, Herb!) led our Welcome Song, evoking memories of the days when Roger Driggs strutted and sang so enthusiastically. You young whippersnappers won’t recall Roger, but ask any of the graybeards and they’ll tell ya’ all about Roger!  And oh, how we miss the rhythms of Don Hallquist’s dancing fingers on those 88 keys!


Sgt-at-Arms Jack Sayre told of this week’s band of miscreants, to wit, (all while Dan Firestone’s phone was ringing), tsk,tsk: Sam Leone, with 33 years in a number of clubs; President Sheryl O’Connor for another pic in the paper (but no where near as many as Mayor Marcia Leclerc);  Brian Liss for the great job he did last month featuring PolioPlus; Jim Fallon for leaving early and Mike Derr for arriving late, along with old perennial; and then Bob Wood paid to tell the club about the Bradbury’s Irish music-making group, “The Hibernians,” who after several gigs at J.J.Foley’s, old Irish pub in South Boston, will be appearing at Hanafin’s Irish Pub in Glastonbury on Sunday, Oct.21st, from 1 to 4. No cover, and they have a great menu with lots of Guiness on tap! If ya like Irish foot-stompin’ music (guitars & fiddles, a bodhran, and harmonicas) & singin’…..


Caring concerns: Spurge Stokes is feeling a little better at his rehap site, and Jack Sayre invited others to join him for a visit. An up-beat Jack Ghagan sounded like his grandson, reports Pres. Sheryl, and Gil Wishart lists wife Jean still at Hospital for Special Care in New Britain. Steve Tamiso has expressed his appreciation for the thoughts, calls, cards & visits extended to him and Mary during his recuperation. We learned of Correspondence: Joan Brow, a nice letter reminiscing about earlier Rotary activities with husband Ed; a parent expressing thanks as a” Koats for Kids” recipient; and Dr. Morgan-Thompson, principal of O’Brien School with a $ gift enclosed.Image


ImageOther important business: President Sheryl introduced our newest member, Tony Matthews, in automotive management work at Lunas Auto Body here in town. Say hello to a friendly guy with a beautiful smile…..welcome Tony! And then PP Peter Klock told us that the “Here’s East Hartford” book we helped to write and publish has produced recent royalties of $28!!!! Every little bit helps!


And some more announcements: 1) Doug Willett reminded us about the Fireside chats starting next week. Topics for discussion cover: Interact members, Community projects, and best Rotary memories;

2) Janice Freschlin says we need 9 more sign-ups to make the Noah Webster “Tavern Night” a go; 3) Neal Cunningham needs water station volunteers to sign up on line; 4) Jim Watts will lead our Paul Harris nominating meeting on Oct.24 at 11:00; and 5) also the 24th, Job Shadow day and more host companies are needed; and last but not least: 6) Nov. 1st Foundation Dinner…if interested, act now!


And why did we meet here at the Raymond Library today…? To learn about the impressive renovations soon to get underway, that’s why! Head Librarian and guest speaker Pat Jones was introduced by Empress Mary and we were held fascinated as we learned of the exciting changes and additions which will enhance this century-old treasure.Image Safe to say, the outside, appearing twice the size, will retain the same red-brick 19th century appearance, though the inside will reflect a complete adherence to the marvels of our digital age, where “media is the message.” Introducing more clearly delineated Children, Young Teens, and Adult sections, the planning will also feature a local history archive, drawing upon and making more available the outstanding collections of town-centered lore. With an ever-changing percentage of “traditional vs digital organization and access,” library users will be able to make use of the facility’s offerings, by computer, at home. Mr. Jones said that ground breaking is scheduled for July 20, 2013, with a 14 month construction window. Interim library services will be provided on a slightly reduced basis at the Town’s Cultural Center.


A good get-together…..thanks for sticking with me with a lot to cover……………………………………Arthur