Rainy and somewhat humid day reminded us that we live in New England, the land of surprises when it comes to weather. President Peter, back from Thailand resumed his duty to start the

meeting with the ceremonial bell ring. After the Rotary Song and Pledge of Allegiance, Art Bradbury reminded us in his invocation how fortunate we are to have what we have and be thankful for it.


Chicken parmesan, ziti with spaghetti sauce and summer squash lunch was served with the usual efficiency of our dedicated servers. Desert was Jell-O with fruit and whip cream topping.


Guests included East Hartford High School Principal Matt Ryan, East Hartford Rotary Scholarship Winner  Joshua Dillon, his mother,  Pam Dillon, State Representative Henry Genga,
 Parks and Rec Director Ted Fravel and Hope Firestone (soon to become a member). John Kelleher and Mary Sullivan warmed the hearts of our guests with the legendary Welcome Song.


Sergeant-at-Arms Jack Sayre reported good business with revenue derived from occasions and events such as Pat Gatelys club anniversary, Judge Baralls picture in the paper,
 Jim Fallons 9th grandchild, Doug Willetts third son getting married, Dan Firestones grandson’s bar mitzvah/birthday, late arrivals and early leavers.


Bill Saunders was the raffle winner with his lucky ticket number 9289.




1.     Sheryl OConnor received her Paul Harris Plus pin before making the announcement that Rotary Fellowship Golf  outing will be on August 6
and the Rotary Summer Picnic at The Ambergs  on Aug 8, 2012.

2.     Yvette Roming announced that 18 companies have bought the Corporate Duck.

3.     Brian Liss stated that 90 books of tickets have been sold.

4.     Board Meeting has been postponed due to lack of quorum. President Peter will notify when it will rescheduled.

5.     Tough Mudder event nationwide, including the recent one at Mount Snow, has risen $3M for wounded warriors.

6.     Flag installation at veterans’ grave sites is scheduled at 8:00 a.m. at Hillside Cemetery on 5/26/2012.

7.     District Installation Dinner is on 6/20/2012.

8.     Club Installation Dinner is on 6/27/2012.

9.     Next week will be Club Assembly after lunch at the Ridge.


Brian Liss made a great presentation about Pioneer Health Care Initiative, a local program to bring awareness about child obesity in this country. Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Fund,
 the collaborative effort by many local organizations are trying to put in place programs and not just projects to solve this issue that is spreading so rapidly in the nation that if not checked
 42% of our population will be obese by 2030. Other statistics he presented are equally sobering. Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activities among children are the two main cause of
 this problem. He asked us to join Mark Fenton, who is a national figure in bringing awareness about this issue, during the week end of May 30-31.


The meeting ended with one verse of “My Country………………