A bright and breezy early spring day greeted us on the Hill this noon, lending a joyous mood to assembled East Hartford Rotarians. President Peter Klock started us off promptly at 12:15 and after singing the

R-O-T-A-R-Y Song, we saluted our beautiful American flag. As an invocation, PP Ceil Collins led us in a moment of silence for those recently killed in Afghanistan, followed by reading a Chinese proverb which urged us to seek “order in nations and peace in the world.” This week being “the big one” for the Irish, we had corned beef ‘n cabbage, carrots and tatties, with just a touch o’ green cake for dessert. Danny Boy himself, though missin’, would have been proud, doncha know!

Guests today included Hope Firestone (her big spender husband had promised to take her out to lunch!), Ted Hsu, and one of our program speakers, Beth Harlow. Hope’s husband and Yvette Roming did a great job with the Welcome Song.  Brian Liss then did the honors as our Sgt-at-Arms, telling us of the award which Dave & Chickie Amberg received from their church, St. Christopher; fines paid by Art Apostle for the first Red Sox win over the Yankees; and Anwar Hossain for a Rotary anniversary. We also sang a Happy Birthday to Larry Hangland.

Back from PETS was Sheryl O’Connor, still aglow from the experience. She specifically told of being impressed by what an outstanding club we have as she met and listened to other incoming Prexies from all over the northeast. She also made a plea that all Rotarians fill out a Committee Interest form for help in planning her year, indicating the 4 committees on which we’d like to serve.

Other Announcements:

*PP Bill Saunders, the first of our returning snow-birds, told of his grandson Kevin Liner’s  support of the Educational Homestay Programs, a school-sponsored program, but similar to what was once called Rotary’s Holiday Youth Exchange program, which encourages families in town to host international students for 4 weeks this summer (July 11 to Aug,6). More details available by contacting Kevin at 860 655-4980, or Bill. A great way to broaden your horizons!

*It was pointed out that any contributions being given in honor of Bill Leone should be written to The East Hartford Rotary Scholarship Fund.

*A presentation was made today by Bob Wood to President Peter of a life-sized yellow duck, most fitting for the big Duck Race project in Imagethe planning stages.

*Rachel Buck, Interact Club counselor, has shared news about the Baccalaureat schools’s upcoming Walk-a-Thon in honor of its founder, Mike Abalon.

*Gil Wishart reminded us of the Rock Cats ball game, May 4th, sign-up sheets coming soon.

*Our caterer, Krause, will be closed the first week in May; any suggestions for a fill-in plan are welcome!

* It was announced that Betty Hallquist is in St. Francis Hospital with heart-related problems.

President Peter shared the news that another club or two has taken exception to Rotary President Banerjee’s ruling on Foundation giving as a must in order to earn a Presidential Citation. Citing Rotary’s rules that no club should be “forced” to contribute, the practice was called “extortion.”

And once again we saw the happy face of a raffle winner, Mike Derr.

Maker-uppers reported today were John Mozzicato in Charlotte Harbor, FL; Pat Gately in Naples Bay, FL; and Steve Jacoby in Wethersfield/Rocky Hill. Good goin’!

The speaker today was our own Ted Mosebach, minister of the First Congregational Church, and today, spokesman with Beth Harlow for the East Hartford Interfaith Ministries. This organization is sponsored and supported by all of the organized congregations in town, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim. Their mission is large, enormous, and carried out under three programs: the Friendship Center which provides the Soup Kitchen, serving hot meals to about 70 citizens on M, W, F & Sundays; the “New Beginnings” concept which offers appliances and furniture to families (usually a single Mom w/children) who move from the homeless shelter to a separate living residence; and the Human Needs Fund which provides rent money, medical emergency help, fuel assistance, and electricity to the 11.4% of East Hartford folks who qualify as at the “poverty” level (as compared with 15.1 % nationwide). They need help, and money, and this was important for us to hear; we thank the program committee for bringing it to us.

Happy to be your writer…stay well & enjoy life with family and friends……………………………Art