As his double term as club president winds down, into his penultimate meeting as our leader, President Bob gathered a preliminary crown of 15 Rotarians when he struck the bell this Wednesday. Another six joined the meeting in progress and a lively engagement was evident.
President Bob led the pledge and gave the invocation to get us underway. He then deviated from his written agenda and turned the meeting over to incoming president, Sue Klock so she could present the revisions recommended to our constitution and by-laws. She mentioned some minor editing that was needed to the presented revisions and mentioned that the major changes were a reduction in the number of club committees. Given our reduced numbers, the committees will be set at five core committees (Administration, Membership, Club Image, Rotary Foundation and Service Projects.) Additional committees can be set up as needed. After an opportunity for open discussion, the revised documents were approved on a 21-0 vote.
Resuming the regular order, Bob recognized Dick McCarthy’s return to our midst after a prolonged stint in a rehab facility. Great to see Dick back with us. Bob Wood continues his cancer treatments and needs our prayers. We also learned that Charlotte Bradbury is in Manchester Manor recuperating after a fall and that Art is hanging in there but increasingly experiencing physical challenges. We also learned that Dan Russell is homebound with live in assistance. All three of these longtime Club mainstays are in our thoughts.
On a more positive side, we have another resident interested in joining our ranks. Deirdre Stolte, who has long been active with East Hartford charitable project, has applied to join Rotary and is going through the process, including this mention in High Gear.
As we enter the new Rotary year, let’s find another four or five younger people who can contribute to our efforts.
The Golf Committee is hard at work planning for the September 20 event. Plans include a luncheon BBQ, a dinner buffet, $150 per player entrance fee. Also, the committee is asking all members of the Club to provide a raffle prize no less than $50 in value. This can be purchased or solicited. Also need members to solicit gift certificates for the $20 envelope sales.
With that Sue Klock mentioned discussions with school officials about possible projects for 2021-2022, including a school reading project, providing reading material and reconstituting the dictionary project. More to come.
The Board will be meeting on July 6th at Evergreen Crossing at noon.
Final Bob Buettner led meeting next Wednesday – no speaker but some special effects planned for the Zoom call. Do not miss it.
Doug Willett