The Rotary Club of
            East Hartford


High Gear

Volume 78 | Issue 26  / Jan 25, 2023
Well the weatherman predicted a terrible day today. Snow, Rain, Wind. In consideration of this, Alex wisely cancelled the In Person meeting in favor of an all zoom meeting.  Naturally there was no snow, rain or wind!EmojiEmoji. 17 members and guests met via zoom and solved the world's problems before the meeting actually started at noon. If you were there you saw some sort of  bird flying over Marc's head. I think it was looking for a landing spot. Go EAGLES!
Alex rang the bell at noon, We recited  the pledge, Stumbled through the 4 Way Test. Then Alex gave a fitting invocation.
Rotary in Motion
Rob Rodner, PP of the Manchester Rotary Club, was our guest speaker. His subject was on R.I.M. Rotary in Motion. This event which is now going into it's 5th year is a "Non fund raising event for the good of the community." It is an offshoot of Bike Connect. An event held for over 10 years. RIM encompasses all : bikers, walkers, equestrians, disabled and impaired individuals. This years event will be on Sept, 30. (rain date Oct.7) There is no cost to EHRC to be one of the 3 sponsors along with Manchester and Rockville Rotary Clubs. Rob's talk was recorded for those that would like to hear the whole thing. Briefly. the event starts at Charter Oak park in Manchester. It has an 18 mile and 30 mile loop through the 3 towns . At the park there is a walking tour, a children's bike event and a horseback event along with the LUTZ CHILDREN's MUSEUM having an event with animals. Rob pointed out 1) there is no cost to EHRC 2)Event goes through EH with highlights at Cabelas. 3) engages youth and younger adults. 4) promotes membership ands shows Rotary is a "club of action"  Please, if you have a chance, listen to the recording. 
Dates to remember
  • MARCH 9,10 &11 NE PETS
  • APRIL 1 Post PETS and District Training Assembly
  • APRIL 22 Multi District  Conference in Burlington Ma.
  • MAY 20  Rotary Day of Service. All clubs in our District will be participating
  • JUNE 11 District Installation   Log Cabin  Holyoke Ma.
  • Deidre Stolte is continuing her Feminine Hygiene project and has expanded it. Please continue to send your donations to Wes, noted for her project or directly to her (product etc) Her next delivery date is in Feb.
  • We are in need of members to give the invocation at our meeting.  Sue has the sighup and dates that needed to be filled in.
  • In March the Scholarship Committee will start its process to get applications out
  • Alex would like to continue EHRC participation in the Memorial Day Parade . Looking for a member to head this up. 
  • Food Share was presented with a check last week.
This is my last HI GEAR.  Please excuse all the errors.  I miss Doug and his red pencil!!