Bob WoodToday was a sunny, cool, and windy day.  Saturday's 6" snowfall was virtually all gone! Quite a non Winter!  President Peter was a little quick with the bell, and members had to scurry to find a place at the rearranged table alignment. That being successful, our opening ceremonies were faultlessly carried out. Ruth Sheehan delivered the Invocation asking for blessings upon this gathering, our help for the needy, and service to the community.  Today's lunch was a stuffed pepper, roasted potatoes, assorted vegetables, and an apple crisp.

President Peter called us back to order with the introduction of our guests, Bill McGurk and Mike Barnett.  Peter and Treasurer Marc Glass led us in the Welcome Song.  Sgt. at Arms Dan Larson reported on a pretty good take.  Brian Liss and his son Patrick sharing a common birthday date, anniversaries for John Kelliher, Sheryl O'Conner, and Guy LaBella,   misc. contributions for the Giants, Patriots, Notre Dame, as well as a nice donation from Tom Jarish on his return to the Club all added up to a good day!  Tom Westbrook reported that Bill Leone is undergoing rehab at the Glastonbury Health Care center, and can have visitors.  Jean Wishart has returned home from Hartford Hospital, Pat Gately is back home, and Art Apostle is back in for another stent! Hoping for a speedy recovery for all. Today's announcements1.  Pres. Peter has heard from Stephanie Leutert, a past speaker at our club, inquiring about raising some funds to help  a woman in Uganda who was evicted from her home. Peter will try to direct her to some possibilities. 2. Because of a schedule conflict at Martin Park our Duck race will probably be postponed to June 10th.  3. Yvette announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting for 2/2/12, 5 PM at the Goodwin College Comunity Room. 4. The Raffle was won by Pres. Peter. The meeting was adjourned in order to open the Annual Meeting.

The Annual Meeting was called to order with a quorum of 33 members present. The minutes of last year's were accepted.  The Treasurer's report was delivered by Marc Glass and was accepted. Numbers to appear in the minutes of this year's annual meeting.  A proposed ammendment to the By-Laws was presented.  This amendment was previously sent to all members.  It essentially authorizes the Board membership to be increased from 9 members to 13. This Amendment was voted in the affirmative. Ceil Collins presented the following slate of officers.  Past President - Peter Klock, President - Sheryl O'Connor, President Elect - Pat Gately, Secretary - Marc Glass, Treasurer - Mike Derr,  Directors - Brian Liss, Art Apostle, George Finch, Alex Wicz, and Bill Saunders. The meeting was adjourned and we moved into a Club Assembly.

The Club Assembly was called to order and Pres. Peter asked for comment on the homework assignment given out at last week's meeting - Can our Club take credit for 100% participation in Foundation giving if another member volunteers to make a contribution on behalf of those who have chosen not to contribute? Does this meet the Four Way Test? Much discussion took place as this 100% contribution is a determining factor in this year's Presidential Citation Award. Most of the discussion seemed to indicate that this concept didn't quite meet the Four Way Test.  President Peter made a motion that we collect $1.00 from each member present and send a note to those not present who have not yet contributed asking for a similar donation.  The collection  took place, and those not present will be contacted, although this High Gear can also act as notification.  A long meeting was adjourned!!

Bill Saunders noted that he had made up twice at the Cape Coral Club, Sheryl O'Connor made up while on vacation on Cayman Brac and Sam Leone at Palm Beach Gardens (Twice)!  Keep them coming!

The end of my shift!  Bob Wood