As we entered the Ridge this afternoon we were greeted with the fine odors of a beef stroganoff and chicken with lemon sauce buffet!  It was a special way to celebrate a special date, February 29th.  I wonder if someone could talk really nice to our caterer in order to get us more buffets.  Who might have the most Rotary charm…hmm?


            Brian Liss offered a beautiful prayer remembering before God our wonderful friend, Bill Leone, and then Brian prayed for Bill’s family in this time of their deep grief.  How we will miss Bill in so many ways!  His love of the outdoors, growing beautiful vegetables andImage flowers and cooking out on the grill, his marvelous dry wit and fun competitive spirit, his insistence that the club do things right, are only a few that come to mind.  Worship of God in thanksgiving for Bill’s life will be at St. Patrick and St. Anthony Church on Church Street in Hartford at 10:00AM, Thursday, March 1.


            We had two guests today, Reggie Barall, and speaker Joyce Hodgson.  President Peter thought it fitting to ask that Reggie join Tom Westbrook in leading the Welcome Song.  It was genius, pure genius.  I didn’t think another person could show Tom any Welcome Song moves.  Maybe Reggie could formally choreograph the Welcome Song and everyone could learn the steps.  I think this could work.  When I joined Rotary I was told that we are a “singing club.”  We could be a “dancing club” too.  What do you think?  I’m just saying. 


            There were a number of fines for the usual things.  A contribution which stood out to me was from Dave Amberg who paid to celebrate Notre Dame’s three victories over UConn!  I hope he paid a lot. 


            John O’Connor chipped in to announce an auction sponsored by the South Windsor club on March 24.  Please talk to John for additional details.


            Ned Lynch paid in celebration of his son’s receiving recognition as the highest ranking Cadet at Sea by the Maritime University he attends.  Congratulations, Ned!


            Ceil Collins introduced our latest new member, Janice Freschlin, to the club. Ceil is Janet’s sponsor.  Janice is employed at Newkirk and Whitney Funeral Home.  Ceil presented Janice her certificate of club membership, new member name badge, the latest Rotary magazine, a copy of the four way test, and the East Hartford Rotary Passport.  The Passport is a list of things to learn about the club in order to help a new member feel a part of things; like learning the Rotary Song, the Welcome Song (music, words, and moves), and who almost always wins the Raffle.  Welcome Janice!!!


            Yvette Romig reminded the Ways and Means Committee of their meeting Thursday night, March 1, 5:00 PM at the East Hartford YMCA. 


            Marc Glass explained that gifts to the Scholarship Fund in memory of Bill Leone should be made out to East Hartford Rotary Foundation.  Notation should be made “In Memory of Bill Leone.”


            Ten tickets to performances at The Little Theater in Manchester were donated for a second Raffle drawing today.  George Agnelli took the tickets and President Peter the money.


            Guest speaker was Joyce Hodgson of the Little Theater in Manchester.    She explained some of the history of the theater and productions it was able to present. There are coupons in this week’s East Hartford Gazette for discounted tickets. The theater is another asset that we are so fortunate to enjoy in our community!


Ted MosebachTed Mosebach