East Hartford Rotary Club High Gear Volume 80 | Issue 9 / September 18, 2024 |
President Rob rang the bell at noon. Rob led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and The Four-Way Test.
Charles McGinnis provided a thoughtful Rotary-themed invocation emphasizing compassion and diversity.
Rob invited Matthew and Charles to lead the lunch parade.
Guy told everyone of today’s offerings, again from Anna’s – a mixed green salad, three types of grinders, pastrami, tuna and eggplant, as well as three types of pizza, meatball, vegetarian, and cheese. Thanks again for Guy for coordinating and Ceil for laying everything out. Quite a feast!
Charlie was again pressed into “Rotary service” selling raffle tickets during lunch.
While lunch proceeded, we had a short but informative visit from the Superintendent of East Hartford Public Schools, Thomas Anderson. Superintendent Anderson encouraged each of us to take advantage of various opportunities to visit the schools in town. He was very supportive of our dictionary/thesaurus project, agreeing that members should be welcome deliver books to classrooms.
After lunch, President Rob’s trivia contest continued a September theme.
Jack mentioned there was another successful Foodshare food sorting event this last Monday. Jim, Bob, Jack and Ceil participated along with a few folks from Goodwin.
Rob reminded us of upcoming events and invited Dan Firestone to fill us in on RIM developments. Our club will be handing out water to riders if they make it to Cabela’s. We hope to have a table with Rotary paraphernalia there. Neal Cunningham will oversee the October 19th water station, during the Hartford Marathon. Let Neal know if you would like to help between 8 AM and 10 AM that day. The town’s Halloween Happening this year is scheduled for October 25th from 12:30 to 3 PM. The October 23rd club meeting will be devoted to sorting candy into small Ziploc bags which will be distributed by club members on the 25th. And, looking far into the future, our Holiday Party will be on Wednesday evening, December 18th at the Wethersfield Country Club. Bob reported that he is waiting for Burlington Coat Factory to agree to a date for holding this year’s Koats for Kids project.
Today’s one guest, Matthew Wallace, was given some time after lunch to describe his company and the project he is embarking on in cooperation with Goodwin University and the East Hartford Public Schools. This is another of Goodwin’s initiatives to expose high school age students to vocational options providing successful paths which may not require a college degree.
Caring Moments: George told us Peggy is recovering from a fall which resulted in a broken upper leg requiring surgery. She’s home now exercising with the aid of a walker. Jack Sayre let us know that Tom Spiller had another accident and that, thankfully, no one was seriously injured. Tom’s undergoing tests to determine why he passed out while driving.
Rob rang the bell to close the meeting soon after 1 PM.
Submitted by Sue Klock, scribe for September.
East Hartford, CT 06118
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