East Hartford Rotary Club
High Gear

Volume 79 | Issue 13 / October 11, 2023


Noon Bell: 11 attendees, 2 more on line

Pledge: President Bob

Invocation: Dan Firestone: prayers for both Israel and Gaza

Lunch break: salad, three kinds of grinder, pizza


Speaker: Steve Fine, founder of Melanoma Education Foundation

  • Founded 501c(3) 2000; targets high schools students & teachers
  • 1700 schools USA and Canada
  • Focus: early self detection and prevention
  • Chance of catching early = good chance of survival, but . . .
  • There are so many cases that thousands die each year
  • Discussed ultraviolet light from sun; uvA and uvB
  • Discussed how to apply sunscreen -- amount and frequency.
  • “When in doubt, have it out”
Steve Fine is a Rotarian. His Foundation has been using Rotary to spread the word about preventing and detecting melanoma.

Q&A followed. Our speaker will be sending links to various websites providing more information on this topic, which can be shared with family and friends. We will email this to all club members when it is received.


Upcoming activities

  • Saturday Oct 14: Hartford Marathon water station Meet at American Eagle Riverside Drive 7AM to 11ish
  • Sunday October 15: Burlington Coats for Kids 7:30-10AM
Caring moments
  • Ruth Sheehan coming along

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM.
These were sent to our Program Guru, Anwar, from Steve Fine, the speaker at today's meeting.

Melanoma Education Foundation Web Pages:
For Health & Wellness Educators and Students: https://www.melanomaeducation.net
Video Links
31-Mcinute Early Self-Detection/Prevention Video: https://bit.ly/3hipmFK
(This video has most of the live Rotary Presentation Content)
16-Minute High School Student Video:  https://bit.ly/2CBzdoT
22-Minute Middle School Student Video:  https://bit.ly/2yv32Ep
30 Minute Health Teacher Training Video:  https://bit.ly/3jqzejP
Speaker offered to share his email address so any of you can contact him for more information.

Submitted by Peter Klock

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