Weather was partly sunny for our Rotary Meeting on Goodwin’s campus.
Attendees were Bob, Marc, George, Ceil, Rob, Ray, Jim, Jack S., Alex, Charles, Guy and Neal. Alex and Bill attended on line. Three prospective members were guests today: Charlie Shine plus Stephen Vann and Lenworth Williams, co-workers of Powur, a solar company. Lenny also works with clients needing credit restoration.
Bob rang the bell at 12:00 pm and called the meeting to order. He also led the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4 Way Test.
Guy gave the invocation.
Lunch today was pizza and grinders.
Caring Moments
Ruth and Hope are at home recuperating.
Dan Larson is scheduled for another hospital procedure.
The meeting continued with Rob Rosa generating discussion on new ideas for the club. Some of the ideas mentioned were welcome signs for our weekly meetings, bringing back nametags and the Sgt @ Arms and adding fun and games to meetings. Marc gave an over view of Rotary to our prospective members.
Four tickets are available for the EH Latina Celebration. (We donated $300 for this event.)
Tri State District Conference will be held May 3-5, Wellsworth Hotel, Stockbridge, MA.
Paul Harris Dinner, May 15, Wethersfield Country Club.
EH Memorial Day Parade, May 27. There are 24 contingents, 653 marchers and 32 vehicles presently committed.
Installation Dinner, June 26, Wethersfield Country Club.
Yard Goats game is scheduled for July 27. Tickets are $15 and $3 goes to Polio.