East Hartford Rotary Club
High Gear

Volume 80 | Issue 11 / October 2, 2024


Rotary meeting 11/2/24 was held in room 109 at Goodwin University at 3 Pent Rd.

Attendance: Rob Rosa, Sue Klock, John Forrest, Awar Hossain, Ceil Collins, Dan Firestone, Hope Firestone, Jack Sayre, Neil Cunningham, George Schoen, Bob Buettner, Peter Klock, and yours truly Marc Glass

It was as sunny day with lots of friendly chatter. President Rob called the meeting to order at which time there was still friendly chatter. He must have felt like Rodney Dangerfield. He did rustle in the group and we started our meeting.

Agenda follows:

12:00 PM - Call to Order

12:02 PM - Pledge of Allegiance

12:04 PM - Four-Way Test

12:04 PM - Invocation: Presented by Anwar, who as usual does the invocation on the first Wednesday of the month. Thank you, Anwar.


12:06 PM - LUNCH and selling raffle tickets (Sue helped sell them) Lunch consisted of the usual food, two pizzas, 3 grinders and two salads of which one of the salads was the fantastic salad by Anwars wife Diana.
Raffle is now up to $210.00 of which Bob Buettner had the winning ticket and yet again that ace of spades was not picked. So next week the pot will grow.12:20 PM - Let's start off with FUN……Rotary Trivia!!!!

  • What's another name for a pumpkin seed? Pepitas - Peter got the right answer
  • What vegetable was once thought to have supernatural powers on Halloween? Cabbage - Marc got the right answer
  • Who wrote the 1818 classic book "Frankenstein"? Mary Shelley - John Forrest answered correctly

12:30pm - Committee Chair/ Other Business Reports**

Lunch a Polooza Winner: Charles McGinnis, we will celebrate next week

Future Events
  • Ongoing until October 29th - Farmer's Market - need sta ing help until Oct 29. It is every Tuesday, 2pm-5pm
  • October 27: Coats for Kids - Bob B, Burlington, 8am-9:30am
  • Oct 5: Rotary In Motion - Dan Firestone, need volunteers
  • Oct 5: East Hartford Fall Festival, 11am-3pm, need volunteers
  • Oct 16th - candy packing during meeting
  • Oct 19: Marathon water station in October, reach out to Neil if interested in helping
  • Oct 21st - Foodshare, 3rd Monday of the month - Anwar
  • Oct 26: East Hartford Halloween event, 12:30pm-3pm - Bob Buettner on point
  • Oct 30: add bookplates to dictionaries during the meeting
  • Salvation Army\
  • Halloween Event - package candy on Oct 23rd during meeting. Event is at Alumni Park on Oct 26th
  • Nov 3: Polio Certificate of Appreciation
  • Nov 6: Veteran's Cookout
  • Dec 18: Holiday Party - Wethersfield Country Club
12:50 PM - Hold raffle called Catch the Ace of Spades! Over $200 in the pot
12:53 PM - Discussed Membership
1:05 PM - Rang the bell
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