Rotary Club
Of East Hartford 
   High Gear

Volume 76| Issue 38/ March 16, 2022

On a spring-like day fourteen Rotarians assembled at Goodwin University for our second in-person meeting of this month. The pre-covid practice of starting the meeting with the Rotary song is gradually taking roots.
Reciting our Pledge was next on the agenda followed by George Schoen giving the invocation. The theme of diversity with unity resonated with us.
Irish Gastronomes not impressed 
Today’s lunch was supposed to reflect the traditional meal of corn beef and cabbage was waiting for us. However, overhearing comments in the lunch line by some of our members deeply rooted in the tradition, led me to conclude that the dish was lacking the Irish culinary touch. I think I have already spent enough ink talking about lunch. That is not why we come to the meeting.
Keeping you up to date 
  1. Sue read a letter dictated by Betty Russell on behalf of Dan that removed all doubts from our minds that our idea of making Dan Russell an honorary member might be misconstrued. It was clear from the tenor of the letter that it will be a fitting tribute to Dan. We learned that on some Wednesdays Dan carefully lays out his outfit including the Rotary tie on the bed as if he is ready to come to our club meeting.
  2. President Sue is looking for location ideas for our tree planting project. Dan Larson will check locations at Goodwin University. East Hartford Town Square is another location.
  3. Safety vests are expected to be ready by our next in-person meeting.
  4. Some members thought that it would be wise to notify the Town of East Hartford about our plan to clean a portion of the East Coast Greenway and plan to have the trash bags picked up. Dan Larson volunteered to check if he can get trash pickup sticks for all of us.
  5. Ceil Collins passed on to the club regards by a former member, Dennis Hickey.
  6. Next Thursday is the deadline to look to call Ceil for signup and/or plan for payment for Paul Harris Dinner. Jim Watts had contacted the award recipients to find out who will be joining them at the dinner. The Women’s Club has done a fantastic job of advertising the dinner.
  7. Video of the Avon Rotary Club meeting where they connected remotely with a Rotary Club in Ukraine is available on the district website. Marc Glass stated that it was very moving to hear the bombs going off in the distance.
Yours truly, Anwar Hossain, wishing you a good week.
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