East Hartford Rotary Club
High Gear

Volume 79 | Issue 36 / April 10, 2024


Cloudy today for our Rotary Meeting on Goodwin’s campus.
Attendees were Bob, Peter, Sue, Marc, Dan F., Ceil, Rob, Anwar, Jack S., Alex, Guy, Pat, and Neal.  Our guests today were John, a prospective member from Autumn Lake Rehab; Mary Oliver of the Oliver-Benoit Foundation and Olivetree Cleaning; and Malungoh Hakalima of Malima Designs.
Pre-meeting conversation was all about Hope Firestone’s fall and hip fracture.  Overheard comments were “strongest in world” and “God, I love that woman”. She is doing well.

Bob rang the bell at 12:02 pm and called the meeting to order.  He also led the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4 Way Test.

Marc gave the invocation.  

Lunch today was pizza, salad and grinders

Our speaker was Catherine Amerine from the ESRAG Food Waste Task Force. Their goal is to reduce food loss during processing and production.  Presently, one fourth to one third is lost.  93,000 tons are lost worldwide.  78,000 tons are lost in the US which ends up in landfills.  8-10% of greenhouse gases are a result.  Waste disposal problems must be addressed.  Reduce waste means saving money.  Smart planning, sharing, preparation and storage are necessary.  Food recovery programs are needed for home gardens, Farmers Markets, Farms and Grocery stores.  Composting is also important.  Number one way to fight climate change is switching to a plant based diet.  Get Rotarians involved and be part of the Global Effort.  Bob questioned how to get the farmers to reduce crops as they are paid to produce.

  • Golf Committee Meeting was last night.  They are looking for foursomes and gifts for the raffle.
  • The Board approved $300 for the Cultural Celebration for Latinas and $500 for Culture & Arts in South Windsor.
  • Tri State District Conference will be held May 3-5, Wellsworth Hotel, Stockbridge, MA.
  • Paul Harris Dinner,  May 15, Wethersfield Country Club.
  • EH Memorial Day Parade, May 27.
  • Installation Dinner, June 26, Wethersfield Country Club.
  • Yard Goats game is scheduled for July 27.  Tickets are $15 and $3 goes to Polio.

Meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM.
Neal Cunningham
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