The meeting was held in our normal room at Goodwin University at 3 Pent Rd.
Attendance: Rob, Marc Bob, Jim, Ceil, George, Pat, John, Jack, Neal, Charlie, Hope, Dan, Charles, Anwar, and in her cooking spirit Diana
It was a sunny day with lots of friendly chatter
Today before the actual meeting started we all stu ed bags of candy (850) for the rugrats that will be at Alumni Park to collect Halloween goodies. It took a half hour to fill the bags and for all of us to do a taste test on the candy.
12:30PM Call to order by President Rob
Rang the bell
12:32PM Pledge of Allegiance
We all stood and recited the pledge and the four way test.
12:35PM Invocation: Hope Firestone had an inspirational invocation
Houston or should I say East Hartford, we had a problem. Somebody who we shall not name (Guy) forgot to order our food today, so we scrambled and order three different pizzas which came around 1:30 included with the pizza was a pasta salad made by Anwars top chef Diana.
Now this person who we shall not name (Guy) was also voted in as next years President. Congratulations Guy.
Caring Moments
- Rotarian Herb is recovering from leg surgery at St. Mary’s on Albany Ave in West Hartford.
- Yours truly will have Meniscus surgery on 10/29 on his right knee.
Now for the raffle and trivia:
Total to be paid out is $247.00
Raffle ticket was won by George who did not pick the ace of spades but the three of diamonds.
Be alert for the new total next week.
Trivia winners:
First question was not answered so we had a new question.
Neal won that question.
Marc answered the next..
Jack answered the last one.
That is it for now.
Hope to see all next week when we have our Mayor and Rotarian Conor Martin.
We will be meeting in room 109 at Goodwin University at 3 Pent Rd.