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Newly minted President Rob Rosa rang our club bell at noon, then led us in the Pledge and the Four-Way Test.
There were no guests today. There were twelve of us meeting in person and two joining the meeting via Zoom.
Marc Glass delivered a very meaningful invocation inspiring us to remember that Rotarians serve in many different ways, helping many people we will never meet.
Reminding us of this year’s FVC focus (FUN, VISITORS & CONNECTIONS), President Rob moved on to a Trivia contest centered around some Rotary history. Just in case Rob decides we need a re-test, here’s the essence -- founder Paul Harris believed that friendship is the world’s best hope for peace, the guiding motto for Rotarians is “Service Above Self,” and Paul Harris believed diversity to be critical for Rotary’s success. Rob wound up with a Paul Harris quote: "Rotary brings together all that is good and true of good and true men, irrespective of race, politics, or religion." Who knew we could refresh ourselves with Rotary trivia and have fun!
Rob followed this by sharing some information about last evening’s Board meeting. He reminded everyone that he’s seeking volunteers to be involved with Public Relations and to chair a Membership Committee.
Sue Klock explained the Board’s decision that everyone would be getting a new badge. During the summer meetings Sue will place a signup sheet on the table near the door which each member should fill in name plus any relevant Rotary identifiers, e.g. P.P., P.H., P.H.S., a nickname if desired, profession or passion, and indicate if a magnet would work or a different means of attaching the badge is required. If you have any questions, just contact Sue,
Before breaking for lunch, Rob reminded us of the raffle, indicating Charlie Schein would be selling raffle tickets during lunch.
Thanks to Guy LaBella for continuing to coordinate with Roma’s. Lunch today was three types of grinders, chicken parmesan, tuna and meatball, two types of pizza, cheese and meatball, and a salad.
Immediately after lunch, Rob announced the August Lunchapalooza!Contest: If you missed the meeting and want a detailed explanation, please watch the Zoom recording. The basic idea is to encourage every member to bring guests to our August club meetings.
Eligibility: Open to all active Rotary members.
Guest Registration: Members must introduce guests to the club secretary upon arrival.
Point System:
Fair Play: Members must genuinely invite guests. Any attempts to manipulate or unfairly gain points will result in disqualification.
Prize: The member with the most points at the end of August will receive:
A gift certificate to a local restaurant.
A featured article in High Gear and on our website.
Recognition at the next Rotary meeting with a special certificate.
At this point, the raffle got underway. Rob asked a member to choose a ticket from those sold during lunch. Neal Cunningham held the winning ticket which meant he has an opportunity to pick a card from the game deck. Winning card is the Ace of Spades. No luck this week. Sorry Neal😟
Next up, Marc Glass explained the Board’s decision to create a special recognition to be presented to a club member during the annual installation dinner. This will be named in memory of Past Rotary International Vice President Frank Collins. Charles McGinnis offered to chair a committee which would be tasked with developing criteria and selecting a recipient. Ceil was invited to serve on the committee. Others who volunteered were Guy LaBella, Charlie Schein, John Forrest, and Peter Klock.
Rob mentioned that our club now will have a table at the weekly Farmer’s Market 2-5 PM Tuesday until mid-October. This year the market has moved to the Town Green/Alumni Park (1047 Main St.). Rob was there this last Tuesday and had the opportunity to introduce more than eight people to Rotary. Our newly updated brochure is very helpful. If you would like to help in future, contact Rob for details. Call or text 860-558-2122.
Rob congratulated Anwar and others for continuing to help sort items at Foodshare the third Monday of each month. Anwar sent pictures from this last Monday’s big sort to Rob who posted them on social media. Good job all around.
Caring Moments: Former club member, Dennis Hickey, passed away recently.
Next week’s speaker will represent East Hartford Youth Football.
Rob rang the club bell at 12:57 PM. Amazing to accomplish so much in less than an hour.
Submitted by Sue Klock.