Marc Glass rang the bell at noon, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and The Four-Way Test.
Sue Klock provided the shortest ever invocation, after which Marc welcomed members Ruth Sheehan and Maura Callahan back after lengthy health challenges.
Guy told everyone of today’s offerings, again from Anna’s – a mixed green salad, several types of grinders, pastrami, tuna and eggplant, as well as three pizza options. Thanks again for Anwar’s contributing another of Diana’s good salads. Quite a feast!
John Forrest was pressed into “Rotary service” selling raffle tickets during lunch.
After lunch, Marc invited Mayor (and club member) Connor Martin to come forward to give us an update on projects around town. It was great to hear such good news and see photos showing numerous improvements all around our town.
Following Connor’s message, Marc invited Guy LaBella to tell us about Goodwin University’s annual turkey drive supporting the Ann B. Clark Co-op. In addition to the focus on turkeys, individuals can drop off stuffing mix, corn bread mix, mayonnaise or drink mixes between 8 AM and 1 PM at the Co-op located at 167 Riverside Drive, East Hartford. Go to, scroll drop-down the list of services, and click on Ann B. Clark Co-op for a comprehensive list of items needed by the Co-op.
Sue reminded everyone that the next club meeting, on October 30th will be devoted to placing bookplates in the dictionaries and thesauruses we plan to distribute to all third and fifth graders in East Hartford’s public schools during November.
Marc rang the bell closing the meeting at 1:17 PM.
Submitted by Sue Klock, scribe for the final two meetings this month.