East Hartford Rotary Club
High Gear

Volume 79 | Issue 40 / June 5, 2024



President Bob rang our official bell promptly at noon. There were about twenty of us meeting in person and two joined via Zoom.

Bob led the pledge and asked Marc Glass to provide an invocation. The invocation focused on Rotary’s diversity and inclusivity. Some of us noted we have yet to invite a member of Pastafarianism to our club. If you’re curious just google the “flying spaghetti monster”. (Thanks to Neal Cunningham for mentioning this.)

Following the invocation, Bob led us in the Four-way Pledge.

Caring Moments: While we waited for lunch to arrive, Bob mentioned long-time East Hartford Rotarian Loretta Dienst had passed away this spring. We also should keep in our thoughts Bev Saunders who is recovering from a broken ankle and Larry Frazier who is now in hospice. And, of course, our own President Bob will have his eagerly anticipated knee surgery this Monday, June 10th. Who knew the golf committee chair could arrange to avoid the golf tournament!

Lunch arrived and was eagerly welcomed by all. Today’s lunch came from Anna’s, and everyone seemed quite positive about it. Thanks again to Guy LaBella for ensuring there was a lunch.

Anwar said the club will can help. Anwardiana06043@gmail.com

Bob noted that we will not have a meeting Wednesday, June 12th, due to the golf tournament that week. Also, there will be no meeting Wednesday, June 19th, since Goodwin University is closed that day to honor the Juneteenth holiday.

We will be having our club’s installation at Wethersfield Country Club on Wednesday, June 26th, beginning with a cocktail hour at 6 PM. Ceil Collins is again handling signups. If you plan to attend, call Ceil at her home, 860-568-3497 or email her, ceilcollins@aol.com The cost is $55/person. You can pay by sending Ceil a check, USPS, to 64 Phillips Farm Road, East Hartford, CT 06118, or pay at the door. Watch for email reminders from Ceil with information about meal choices.

Bob asked Peter and Sue to give a short account of their trip to Singapore for the 2024 Rotary International Convention.

Bob closed the meeting by ringing the bell at 12:45 PM.

Reported by Sue Klock.

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