Noon – President Bob led us in the pledge, then Sue Klock, as invocation, read a poem, Amazing Peace by Maya Angelou. Sue mentioned the reason behind her choice -- the installation of our newest club member today inspired her to remind everyone that achieving “true Peace” is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.
This was followed by the group’s reciting The Four-way Test.
Ray Maselek introduced our only guest today, Nicole Miller, a faculty member at Goodwin and Bridgeport Universities, who was also our speaker today.
Caring Moments
- Bob mentioned Ruth Sheehan continues to avoid large crowds during her recovery.
- Dan Larson is facing an April surgery.
- Tom Spiller is at home recovering from his accident over a week ago.
Roma’s found us at our new meeting location and delivered lunch. Bob took the opportunity break for lunch, inviting out guest to lead the way to the buffet table in the back. In addition to having Guy and Roma’s to thank for today’s lunch, we thank Anwar for another delicious and healthy salad, balanced by Bob’s bringing us chocolate laced cookies.
Bob rang the club’s big bell again at 12:25 to quiet the group so we could proceed with the meeting.

First, the installation of John Forrest, our newest club member. John was sponsored by President-elect Rob Rosa, who joined him, President Bob and PDG Marc Glass at the front. After some words from Marc explaining the significance of the ceremony, Rob pinned a Rotary pin on John’s jacket, and Marc gave John a new-member kit with information about Rotary as well as a Rotary magnet and End Polio Now magnet for his car, and last but not least a special club bell. Congratulations, John, and welcome to our Rotary family.
Second, Ray introduced our speaker, Nicole Miller. She did not have to travel far to find us at our new meeting location. She is the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging for both, Goodwin and Bridgeport Universities. Nicole has been with Goodwin University since 2010, wearing various hats. She is also a member of the Family Promise of Central CT which is an organization dedicated to supporting families experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Connecticut.
Nicole has been a resident of East Hartford since 2011. She is an engaging speaker, deeply committed to helping her students and others, including our club members, understand why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D,E,I) is as worthy of study as more traditional fields. My hope is that we can persuade her to return to our club often to continue educating us.
Announcements: The Board will meet Tuesday, April 2nd, at 6 PM at Evergreen Crossing.
Other upcoming events are the Paul Harris Recognition event at Wethersfield Country Club on May 15th, our club’s participation in the town’s Memorial Day Parade, the Annual Golf Tournament on June 10th, the Club’s Installation Dinner, again at Wethersfield Country Club, and a new service project, Recycling Used Bicycles and Sewing Machines, June 29th.
That’s it for the month of March.
Submitted by Sue Klock.