Rotary Club
of East Hartford
   High Gear

Volume 76 | Issue 32, February 2, 2022

We had a great show of attendance this week, which was impressive considering all the shoveling we had to do to get out after the blizzard this past weekend. Oh, wait. We were on Zoom again this week :-) There was no speaker, so it was not an exceptionally long meeting. President Sue Klock rang the bell promptly at noon, and the club proceeded to butcher the Pledge of Allegiance. Everyone was reciting at a different cadence. Amusing, but maybe all but one of us should mute ourselves from now on. At least if there are any guests attending.
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy."
Following the pledge, President Sue provided the invocation:
I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and beheld; service was joy!
-- Rabindranath Tagore, early 20th century Bengali recipient of Nobel Prize in Literature
President Sue then led the group in a less than perfectly synchronized recital of the 4-Way test:
Of the things we think, say, or do…
  • Is it the Truth?
  • Is it Fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
  • Will it be Beneficial to all concerned.
Martin, Buettner and Sheehan to be honored
Caring Moments:
  • Dick McCarthy was looking great on the monitor as he was able to join the meeting today.
  • Jack Sayre also attended; wheelchair free. 
  • Glad to see both guys on the mend!
The board met Tuesday evening and approved the following actions:
  • Dan Russell will be made an Honorary member
  • Our club will participate in the Memorial Day Parade and may sponsor the event depending on options offered by the town.
  • Our club will participate in the mutli-district Day of Service, April 9th, by developing a project to clean up the East Hartford section of the Eastern Connecticut Greenway.
  • The club will purchase safety vests embroidered with Rotary logo and East Hartford Rotarians at work.
Other Announcements:
  • This year's Paul Harris dinner will be held March 30, at the Wethersfield Country Club. We will be honoring Sandie Buettner and Connor Martin, as well as Ruth Sheehan despite her misguided support of that team in Boston.
  • Assuming all goes well with the Paul Harris dinner, we are likely to hold this year’s installation dinner at the Wethersfield Country Club.
District Conference Stuff
  • Plagiarizing from Jason's writeup last week: The Rotary District Conference will be held from April 29 to May 1 at the Southbridge Hotel and Convention Center in Southbridge, Massachusetts. This will be just for our district, and we will be celebrating our District’s 100th Anniversary. You can register by going to district’s website  On the right side of the homepage, look for upcoming events and click on District Conference. The registration fee is $200 per person. Registration closes on March 29. Hotel rooms must also be purchased by March 29 to obtain the special rate of $119/night. Hotel rooms at Southbridge Hotel must be purchased separately. Call 508-765-8000 and ask for Rotary District 7890 Room Block. There will be entertainment and meals served. If the conference is canceled, you will get your money back.
Until next week, Your Scribe - Wes Willett
Editor's Note: reading this High Gear is evidence that the generational handoff is proceeding apace. W.D.W. 

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