Jan 27, 2021
Harlow Hyo
Climate Change

Harlow A. Hyde has been studying the climate for at least 25 years. He was born and raised in South Dakota, where the main topics of discussion are the weather and how fast the grass is growing. He was an administrator in state government in Nebraska for over 30 years and served in the Peace Corps in 2002. The author holds an M.B.A.
degree from the University of South Dakota, has been published in The Atlantic Monthly, was interviewed on Nightline and NPR Weekend Edition, and previously published a scholarly work on arms limitation treaties, Scraps of Paper, the Disarmament Treaties Between the World Wars. He is currently retired, is a member of the Rotary Club, and lives in Florida with his wife, Robin.
“Climate Change” summarizes many large and small tomes on climate history and climate change. Harlow A. Hyde presents an eminently readable and much shorter description of this topic, drawn from actual recordings and measurements spanning prehistory to our present day. The author’s
serious, yet sometimes irreverent, approach is informative and humorous. Included are 16 charts for precipitation and temperature, which add greatly to the ease of both reading and understanding, as well as comparisons with England’s climate records for similar time periods. If you want to know how climate really works and what data are really available, this book explains it in a nutshell.