Posted by Anwar Hossain

Under a cloudy sky 31 of us gathered at Goodwin College, which is now a yearly tradition of hospitality by the college to East Hartford Rotary. The Rotary Song was in progress when your scribe arrived and noticed that Past President Bill Saunders was conducting the meeting, filling in for President Dave who is in NYC with the first lady (not the one you are thinking of.)

 Even in a new setting, we did a good job of maintaining our vocal acumen with the Rotary Song. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by invocation by Kevin Kickery. As expected, Kevin delivered the invocation with his unique signature. Having watched Ken Burn’s documentary last night on Vietnam War, he pointed out similarities with that conflict and conflicts that we are waging now. He reminded us as Rotarians to do our duty in conflict and in peace to make the world a better place.

The sumptuous lunch was catered by Maneeley’s. The culinary delights consisted of salad, ziti immersed with olives, sundried tomatoes and artichokes, and colorful sautéed mixed vegetables, chicken francaise, dinner rolls and mouthwatering desserts. We do not want to get spoiled by such fare every week.

Susan Hansen was our only “guest”, although I noticed Larry Frazier also in the crowd. Dan Larson and Vincent were called upon to render the Welcome Song. Dan Firestone, our Sergeant-At-Arms, pointed out that Rosh Hashanah starts tonight celebrating the Jewish Year 5778 which represents that many years since Adam. He reported a slow day. Doug Willett and Bill Saunders paid for another successful golf event. Marc Glass paid for a wonderful job George Schoen and Bill Saunders did as Co-Chairmen of the tournament and for Dan Larson who did a remarkable job of being the MC. Kevin Kickery paid for Nick Cecere to take some golf lessons, ouch.


1.      George Schoen reported that the final results are not in but all indications are that the tournament this year will be as successful, if not more, than last year.

2.      Doug Willett outlined the Fireside Chat schedule, Monday 10/16 at the Lessards, Tueday 10/17 at the Russells, another on Tueday 10/18 at either the Jacobys or the Cereres depending on sign-ups and the final one on Thursday 10/19 at the Kickerys.

3.      Bob Buettnner indicated that 10 people, who have signed up for the dinner event at the East Side Restaurant, should be there by 6:00 PM on Friday evening.

4.      Kevin Kickery reported that four Rotarians participated at the East Hartford Clean-Up Day.

Last week’s Raffle winner, Wes Willett, picked Happy Jack Martin’s number followed by a second drawing fpr a leftover mystery package from the Tournament that was described by Dan Larsen as containing a left handed golf ball, chipmunk head cover, etc. The “lucky” winner was none other than his Goodwin College partner in crime, Guy Labella.

Today’s program was a tour of the College in the vintage trolley. Dan Larson, after a brief description of the various developments that have taken place in the last twenty years, led us through a narrated tour of the campus. It is truly amazing how a new institution has accomplished such success in such a short time changing the entire landscape of many acres between the river and Main Street with state of the arts buildings, recreational areas and new infrastructures. It has also cemented a healthy partnership with the Town of East Hartford as well as Pratt and Whitney.


Anwar Hossain